In 1973, Ray Henry (left)
purchased the Boston Water Pump Co. from
Johnny Boston. Don Henry, Ray's son,
offered to help his dad out and learned the
business inside out. He loved Agua
Dulce and soon married Laurie Madigan, a hometown
girl and started a family. After more
40 years they are still in Agua Dulce
providing a valuable and essential service
for its residents. Don, Laurie, and sons
Justin and Matt keep busy installing and
maintaining water pump systems they design
specifically for each property, as the water
table in Agua Dulce is as complex as its
geography. The Henry family are all
active in the community. Don is president of
the Town Council while Laurie volunteers for many
service organizations. In 2011, the
Henrys were voted and honored as "Family of
the Year". The Henrys are also active
with church activities at Grace Baptist
Church, enjoy many family trips and Laurie
has always been an active horsewoman.
Don and Laurie are lifetime Agua Dulce
residents and both are devoted grandparents
to their 9 (amazing) grandkids.